Portrait Choice

Photos by Melissa Cantanese
Exhibited at the Chelsea Gallery in NY.

I found these images at the Chelsea Gallery in NY. These three photos were scattered among other photographs of nature and architecture. I have been exploring the way different photographers photograph portraits amd I was really intrigued by the point of view she took with these ones. All the portraits she displayed showed no faces. I enjoyed that, I felt like I could put myself into this photo and make it about me. I didn't have to make up a life scenario for someone I didn't know, I could be me in these photographs and that drew me into reading what was around the figure and what surrounding they/I encountered.

Baby Marcus
Learning to Walk

Learning to Pose For The Camera

Helping Stephanie Learn How to Be a Better Photographer

These are all recent portraits I took. Two were random and the third was an attempt at shooting in the business of downtown, trying to work on my shooting style and create something of my own. It amazes me how differently we see people and who thinks what is most important in a photograph.

G. Gibson Gallery
I found these images at the G.Gibson Gallery in Seattle. They are by Richard Marsh. The images were not titled with word or elegant phrases, just the times of day they were taken. I liked that. I appreciated these images because they let me wander in and out of them without any titles telling me where to go.

It's funny to me how I choose to spend my time. I love photography but it seems I spent more time performing domestic duties than shooting my camera... caring for kids, playing chauffeur, doing laundry. What does that mean?